为丰富 华人社区的音乐生活,利星音乐中心招募大型管乐团团员。人数一百人,额满为止。 我们将为你提供免费教学和现场免费乐器使用及排练,欢迎有管乐基础和所有有兴趣的人士踊跃加入本乐团。乐团指挥为多伦多资深王牌指挥Greg Yang, 杨指挥曾多次带领大型管乐团赴日本及其他国家交流演出。 欢迎观摩每周三晚八点半在本音乐中心进行的零基础管乐团排练。 本活动完全免费。 报名从速,免费乐器数量有限。 请联系 施经理 416-8288862, 杨指挥 647-638-6001 Lysing Musico Group is intaking members for its 100-person orchestra.We are offering our memebers free instrument tutorials, free usage of instrument on site, and practice opportunities. All are welcomed--whether you are an experienced musician or someone who has always wanted to learn saxophone but yet to have the time or chance. Our orchestra conductor is Greg Yang, who over the many years has conducted and led many professional orchestra groups to perform overseas including Japan. We invite you to join our practices on Wednesdays @8:30, of which many current members are beginners. Our event is free of charge. Hurry, before the free instruments runs out!