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不要约会一个爱旅行的女孩(Don’t date a girl who travels)

发表于 2014-3-14 06:16:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Adi Zarsadias 走遍了世界,在旅途中她写下了一篇给单身汉们的忠告,警告他们不要约会像她那样的女生,此文在其个人Twitter上发表后,在世界各地引起关注,已被20多种文字翻译疯狂转发。

↑作者Adi Zarsadias




不要约会一个爱旅行的女孩。每次航空公司打折,她都会要你去订机票。她不热衷于派对,也不会花超过$100去演唱会。 因为她知道,一个周末去酒吧花掉的 $100可以在其他有趣的地方呆上一个星期之久。



不要约会一个爱旅行的女孩因为她选择了一种不确定的生活方式。她没有计划,没有永久地址。她走一步算一步,并且听从自己内心的声音。她按照自己的鼓点舞蹈。她不戴手表,她的时光由日月控制。 当海浪召唤时,生活暂停,她将在那一刻无视生命里的任何其他东西。但是她也学会了,冲浪并不是一切。


她不会需要你。无需你的帮助,她懂得怎么扎帐篷,怎样给自己的冲浪板拧上螺丝。她做一手好菜,且不需要你为她买单。她太独立了,不在乎你是否和她一起上路。当她到达目的地的时候,会忘记和你报备。她忙碌地活在当下。她和陌生人交谈。她会遇到很多和她理念接近的来自世界各地的有意思的人,他们和她有一样 的热情和梦想。她会觉得你无聊无趣。

所以除非你能跟上她的脚步,不然不要约会一个爱旅行的女孩。万一你不小心爱上 这样一个女孩,千万不要约会她。让她走。

Don’t date a girl who travels

She’s the one with the messy unkempt hair colored by the sun. Her skin is now far from fair like it once was. Not even sun kissed. It’s burnt with multiple tan lines, wounds and bites here and there. But for every flaw on her skin, she has an interesting story to tell.

Don’t date a girl who travels. She is hard to please. The usual dinner-movie date at the mall will suck the life out of her. Her soul craves for new experiences and adventures. She will be unimpressed with your new car and your expensive watch. She would rather climb a rock or jump out of an airplane than hear you brag about it.

Don’t date a girl who travels because she will bug you to book a flight every time there’s an airline seat sale. She wont party at Republiq. And she will never pay over $100 for Avicii because she knows that one weekend of clubbing is equivalent to one week somewhere far more exciting.

Chances are, she can’t hold a steady job. Or she’s probably daydreaming about quitting. She doesn’t want to keep working her ass off for someone else’s dream. She has her own and is working towards it. She is a freelancer. She makes money from designing, writing, photography or something that requires creativity and imagination. Don’t waste her time complaining about your boring job.

Don’t date a girl who travels. She might have wasted her college degree and switched careers entirely. She is now a dive instructor or a yoga teacher. She’s not sure when the next paycheck is coming. But she doesn’t work like a robot all day, she goes out and takes what life has to offer and challenges you to do the same.

Don’t date a girl who travels for she has chosen a life of uncertainty. She doesn’t have a plan or a permanent address. She goes with the flow and follows her heart. She dances to the beat of her own drum. She doesn’t wear a watch. Her days are ruled by the sun and the moon. When the waves are calling, life stops and she will be oblivious to everything else for a moment. But she has learned that the most important thing in life isn’t surfing.

Don’t date a girl who travels as she tends to speak her mind. She will never try to impress your parents or friends. She knows respect, but isn’t afraid to hold a debate about global issues or social responsibility.

She will never need you. She knows how to pitch a tent and screw her own fins without your help. She cooks well and doesn’t need you to pay for her meals. She is too independent and wont care whether you travel with her or not. She will forget to check in with you when she arrives at her destination. She’s busy living in the present. She talks to strangers. She will meet many interesting, like-minded people from around the world who share her passion and dreams. She will be bored with you.

So never date a girl who travels unless you can keep up with her. And if you unintentionally fall in love with one, don’t you dare keep her. Let her go.

小编说:这也许就是Adi Zarsadias写给她心爱的男孩,或是未来那个她心爱的男孩的吧。包容她所有的缺点,了解她,陪在她身边。之所以这篇文章风靡全球,正是因为她说出了许多女孩心中的想法,这里面也包括你吗?


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